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A Man and a Woman working together

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a b o u t   t h e

f o u n d e r 

all about the individual behind solucky

about: Welcome

Sanjana Solanki 

Founder (she/her)

      Sanjana Solanki was born & brought up in the Bay Area & for that she is thankful. She is forever grateful for having been able to grow up in such a diverse & creative community around her. Growing up, she picked up several interests including makeup, fashion, decoration, organization, & film. Over time, Sanjana took valuable skills she learned from each interest & created a huge persona with them. Throughout her childhood & continuing into adulthood, Sanjana has been greatly influenced by her own family, each member contributing to expand the knowledge of those interests.

about: About

o u r   t e a m

learn about the rest of the individuals that graciously give their valuable time & skills to become a contributor to solucky's journey <3

about: Text

m o r e

find Sanjana on other social media platforms

about: News
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